
Tuesday 16 June 2009

Let's go to Tenerife


Some of the students in the fourth year of E.S.O. are going to go to Tenerife and one day they are going to visit the Dracaena Draco, a century tree.

This tree needs ten years to grow a metre. It cames from Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Madeira, Azores and Morocco.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Sherlock Holmes investigates

Is there a museum specially created for Holmes? Of course, there is one. Here's an example: You can watch this video below and post your commentaries.

Now you could read through this web page and try to describe Holmes' problem with drugs. Please, post your commentaries below.

Are you a good writer? If you are, please write a review of your favourite Holmes's chapter. Tip: go over writing tips first.

Monday 1 June 2009

Would you be able to use your mobile phone in English?

Here’s a learning tip: Set the language of your mobile phone. English is also a good learning option. You know all your phone settings perfectly, so it won’t be so hard for you to use it in English, will it?

Talking about phones, is it possible to live without a mobile phone? Please, send us your opinion about mobile phones.

Here’s our first comment on phones. Hello, Mirian, what do you think about mobile phones?

“The best invention in the history was the telephone.

Now, we can comunicate with our friends from home.

The phone is used every day for many things: talking about things, doing things, emergencies, etc.

Years ago, when the phone didn’t exist, the people sent letters.

Thanks to this new technology we can solve problems easily and quickly.

I use it every day to talk with my family, to talk with my friends, etc.

Mobile phones are used by a lot of people, because you can call and write messages from anywhere.

Mobile phones are pocket-size and very modern.”

Please, add your comments about the use of mobile phones. Thanks for your contributions.